«We don’t give acting advice, but we do give advice on labour law and social security provision.»


Association fairline: Insurance offers

SzeneSchweiz is a member of the fairline association. This means that all members can join the favourable framework contract solutions via fairline.


1.      Discounted daily sickness allowance and accident insurance for SzeneSchweiz self-employed members

In contrast to permanent employees, anyone who works freelance and falls ill or has an accident and is therefore unable to work, has a loss of salary that is usually not covered. You can take out private insurance against this risk with a daily allowance insurance.

  • The collective sickness benefit insurance for insured staff covers the longer-term loss of earnings in the event of illness.
  • The minimum premium of CHF 500.00 is low and attractive for members who only want to secure a small annual income.
  • The maximum duration of insured sick days per case is 730 days.
  • There is no minimum sum insured, but a maximum insured sum of CHF 250’000.00.
  • The insurance is generally concluded with a health check, but the premium rates do not depend on sex, occupation or age.


The current offer and the registration form can be found at https://verband-fairline.ch/de/angebot/verband-fairline/


2.      Risk life insurance

Take precautions in the event of possible disability or death. Whether it is to protect the partner, to secure a loan or mortgage, or because you want to secure your long-term earning capacity as a self-employed person.


Further offers of the fairline association for private insurance

–   Motor vehicle insurance

–   Construction insurance

–   Building insurance

–   Household and private liability insurance

–  Accident insurance for private households (domestic workers)

–   Legal protection insurance


Further information and documents on the offers: https://verband-fairline.ch/de/angebot/verband-fairline/



fairsicherungsberatung ag: Insurance and pension consultancy

fairsicherungsberatung ag is the leading independent insurance and pension consultancy in Switzerland that works sustainably according to economic, ecological and ethical social principles.

SzeneSchweiz members can now benefit from a discounted initial consultation for insurance and pension advice. Instead of CHF 380 (for 2 hours), only CHF 300 (22%) will be charged. The fairsicherung mandate managers will be happy to advise you at fair@fairsicherung.ch or by telephone on 031 378 10 10.

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