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Merger TASI & SBKV: SzeneSchweiz!

Merger of professional associations of performing artists

The Ticino association TASI and the Swiss-German association SBKV merge to form «SzeneSchweiz-ScèneSuisse-ScenaSvizzera»


In the best interest of their members, the two theatrical artists’ associations of Italian and German speaking Switzerland have joined forces to form a single national professional association: Teatri Associati Scena Indipendente TASI and the Swiss Association of Stage Artists SBKV are now appearing in «SzeneSchweiz-ScèneSuisse-ScenaSvizzera» and thus represent the interests of its members throughout Switzerland more effectively. An additional offshoot is planned for French-speaking Switzerland which will also incorporate the interests of its members into the new entity.

Access to more financial support

The purpose of the merger of the two associations is to bundle the forces throughout Switzerland in order to guarantee a stronger representation of performing artists. Furthermore it is aimed at improving the image of employers, the appearance in the general public as well as in cultural policy. In addition, the merger is intended to fulfil the criteria of the Federal Office of Culture of Switzerland (BAK) to provide a nationwide activity in order to gain access to financial support in the future. Headquarters and infrastructure will be in Zurich, integrated in the previous organization of the SBKV; the respective German-, French- and Italian-speaking Swiss sections, however, independently protect the interests of their regions in consultation with the overall organisation.

The two former associations thus use synergies throughout Switzerland and also bind the cultural identities of the language regions more closely together. By opening up to French-speaking Switzerland, the performing artists of that region will also be strengthened and represented throughout Switzerland. The members of «SzeneSchweiz-ScèneSuisse-ScenaSvizzera» have access to full services in all language regions.

Historical merger

TASI was founded in 1987. It is the association of theatre ensembles and individual stage artists in Italian-speaking Switzerland with the aim of promoting and enhancing independent theatre in Ticino. The association has members working in the fields of film, theatre and dance.

The SBKV celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2020 and represents around 1250 members. Over the past 100 years it has always successfully represented the interests of the performing artists and developed into an indispensable institution.

Thanks to the SBKV, permanent employees as well as guests at the houses enjoy the protection of two collective labour agreements (CLA/GAV). Permanent employees and freelancers of the independent scene benefit from advice, legal protection and many other services. With the creation of foundations such as the «CAST» Pension Fund for Freelancers and the «SSUDK» Retraining Foundation for Performing Artists, the SBKV will continue to assume its social responsibility as Switzerland’s scene.

If you have any further questions, please contact:

Salva Leutenegger

079 631 99 50



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