«We don’t give acting advice, but we do give advice on labour law and social security provision.»

Become a member!

With your membership, you will not only benefit personally from our services, but you will help strengthen the profession as a whole, helping us to help others

Become a member

Become a member!

With your membership, you will not only benefit personally from our services, but you will help strengthen the profession as a whole, helping us to help others

Become a member

Ensemble Magazine: ONLINE!

As of now no more quarterly print, but a weekly digital edition.

Click here.


Casting Directory

Are you looking for an actor, a dancer or a singer?  PerformersOnStage.com presents nearly 300 professional actors, musical performers, dancers and singers.

Relief fund

SzeneSchweiz has a fund for emergency support of its members. Grants from this fund are one-time grants and should only be used when public social assistance or other possible foundations fail to give aid. There is no legal entitlement to support.

Further education

Are you planning to pursue a continuing education?  Are you inbetween two jobs? Do you feel you could use an individual coaching? You can count on our support!


Kasernenstrasse 15
CH-8004 Zürich

+41 44 380 77 77

You can find us here.

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